Matej endorsed an inclusive talkshow

Published 19.10.2017
Matej endorsed an inclusive talkshow

Successful slovak canoe slalom racer Matej Beňuš has endorsed an inclusive talkshow about sport as its ambassador and supported the activities of Special Olympics Slovakia movement. It began with an educational cycle for hight school students, which is meant to bring the idea of inclusion closer to young people - through sport.

The mission of the inclusive talkshow touch our national players. Matej told us about what place in his life the sport has and about importance of passing the experiences to younger generation.

Sport is a phenomenon which connects people because everyone wants to compete and win. "That’s why we’re starting with the educational cycle during which we want to explain young people what it means to disabled when we include them and why it is important. We believe that sport is the easiest and most beautiful way of inclusion," says national director of Special Olympics Slovakia, Eva Gažová.

The first inclusive talkshow was held for more than a hundred students from the Vocational High School on Ivánska cesta and from Ladislav Novomeský High School in Bratislava. "It is important to accept the difference of the disabled people, to treat them as equal and help each other. This project shows the incusion from a different perspective, when disabled sportsmen motivate healthy children and youth to do sports. We are very happy about it,” adds the chairman of the board of directors of of Slovak Olympic Committee Fund, Dušan Guľáš.


